Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Privatization of Government Performing Assets

Proclamation No. 50, the original privatization law, states the rationale behind the program:

"Article I. Section 1. Statement of Policy - It shall be the policy of the state to promote privatization through an orderly, coordinated and efficient programs for the prompt of disposition of the large number of non-performing assets of the government financial institutions, and certain government-owned or controlled corporations which have been found unnecessary or inappropriate for the government sector to maintain."

It is clear from this provision that NON-PERFORMING GOVERNMENT ASSETS are primarily the target of the law. The privatization law is the offshoot of Executive Order No. 5 (1986) creating a new agency the purpose of which is "to promote an orderly, coordinated and efficient privatization of remaining government corporation, assets, activities and idle properties."

The following PERFORMING ASSETS have been privatized: PNB, PETRON, PNOC-EDC, TRANSCO. Why? Are not these clear violations of the above stated policy?

The proceeds of these dispositions are supposed to be remitted to the national treasury of which 60% is for the Agrarian Reform Fund and 40% to the General Fund. For GOCC's, 50% of the proceeds is to be remitted to the government. Is this being followed?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Public Servant's Stations of the Cross

Public servants presently in government service or about to serve the government should expect the following Stations of the Cross if he/she intends to be faithful in the discharge of this public trust:

First Station: The Last Supper (The Moment of Decision)

This is the crucial moment when one decides to enter government service knowing fully well that a government career is not a financially rewarding career since government employment is supposed to be service - and service means sacrifice!

Second Station: The Agony in Gethsemani (Agony on the Kind of Servant One Will Be)

As he goes about performing his duties, he will be guided by a mission to serve for the greater good to the greatest number or will he be motivated primarily to advance his self interests or to acquire greater power, prestige and material and financial gain? Thus, the agony of deciding what kind of a public servant one will be.

Third Station: Jesus Before the Sanhedrin (Condemnation without Trial)

A public servant who does not succumb to undue pressure from the person or group of persons interested in upholding their self-interest, when presented or brought to the attention of the person in authority over the public servant, will be condemned without trial and to face the consequences of such condemnation either by suspension or even dismissal from the service and/or suffer other penalties and punishment or thrown to the mercy of his tormentors.

Fourth Station: The Scourging and Crowning with Thorns (Criticism, Unjust Accusation, Ridicule, Condemnation, Even Persecution For Upright Public Servant)

Expect all these as one pursues good governance, upholding of truth and transparency and doing what is just and right – coming from those who are adversely affected by the public servant's adherence to their virtues and ideals.

Fifth Station: Jesus Receives The Cross (The start of Unjust Punishments and Penalties and Other Consequences of the Upright Public Servant)

Upholding one's principle and what is just and right could result in the imposition of unjust penalties and punishment- and even unfair public condemnation as a result of trial by publicity. Evil, at least temporarily, triumphs. He receives and starts to carry his cross.

Sixth Station: Jesus Falls Under the Weight of the Cross (The Public Servant Falls the First Time)

True to the unjust penalties and punishment to be imposed on him, he falls for the first time and succumbs to the undue pressure – and allows and tolerates activities which are not in consonance with good governance and for the greater good to the greatest number.

Seventh Station: Simon of Cyrene Carries the Cross of Jesus (Some Friends Come to the Rescue)

To somehow alleviate and mitigate the punishment and penalties and of his adverse consequences imposed on them, some friends come to the rescue of the temporarily fallen public servant. But their efforts are not enough to escape from the unjust punishment, penalties and other consequences being imposed. It only temporarily lightens the heavy burden of his cross.

Eigtht Station: Jesus Meets the Pious Women of Jerusalem (Additional Help and Assistance is Given By Some Women of Good Will)

Because of the righteousness of the condemned public servants' cause, some women of good will rise in defence of the unjustly condemned one. But again, because of the power and influence of his tormentors, this is not enough to exonerate the fallen crusader.

Ninth Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross (A Just Public Servant is Unfairly Condemned/Convicted)

The tormentors of the upright public servant finally succees in upholding their personal interest to the prejudice of good governance and “the greater good of the greatest number” - and in the process he further suffers a “nailing to the cross” before the public through trial by publicity and exposition of any “defects” or trivial sins he may have commited in the past.

Tenth Station: The Repentant Thief (A Justly Convicted/Condemned Public Servant Is Saved Because of his Sincere Repentance)

Some justly convicted/condemned are rehabilitated due to sincere repentance and are therefor saved -and even repairs his good narme and reputation. There is hope even for justly convicted/condemned public servants!

Eleventh Station: Mary and John at the Foot of the Cross (Persons Closest to the Unjustly Condemned Public Servant Publicly Defends Him)

Additional efforts are exerted by the persons closest to the unjustly condemned public servant proved futile and an exercise in futility and the public servant's torment continues.

Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross (The Public Servant Gives Up His Crusade)

Seeing the Futility of his crusade and the seeming hopelessly of succes in bringing about good governance towards the greater good to the greatest number, the public servant gives up on hs mission.

Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb (The Silence of the Tomb)

The silence of the tomb engulfs the air. The public servant after being “laid to rest”, now remains silent to contemplate what to do with his mission as a dedicated public servant.

Lord Jesus, hearing his/her meditation, please enlighten him/her and send forth His Spirit to guide him/her what to do.

Fourteenth Station: Jesus Rises from Death (The Dedicated Public Servant Rises Once Again)

Jesus rose from the dead three days after his death. Will the public servant rise again from his/her death to pursue his/her mission for “the greater good to the greatest number” ?

Dear Jesus, we pray that this dedicated servant will not abandon his/her mission, even if already out of public service. Give him/her Hope that somehow, sometime, soon, he will “rise again from the dead!”